
Idioma de la ficha: English
Cargo de la persona de contacto: Manager
Horarios de atención: From Monday to Friday: 8.00am - 6.00pm. Saturday and Sunday: 10.00am - 6.00pm
Ámbito de actuación: Basque Country
Proyectos de referencia: https://www.sagardoa.eus/en/62.about-us
Video de presentación (youtube): 9jclQOxfW8g

Sagardoa Route, is the strategic and tourist agency of the Basque Cider Association. We are a DMC travel agency of the Basque Country and our main focus is the Basque culture, the territory and its people. Our specialty is rural tourism and the Basque cider world, although we offer diverse activities throughout our territory.

Discover our origins and get to know the Basque Country through the Basque cider! Tailor-made activities and trips, guaranteed departures, whether you are travelling alone, with friends, couples or in groups.


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